The Moving Circle

As I reminisce about my early days as a young 19 year old running across the shores of Bondi Beach, for many years and still to this day, I find solace and strength in the rhythmic beating movement of the waves that became my inspiration. The ocean, a steadfast companion, witnessed my growth and provided me with a sense of grounding as a newbie to Sydney from New Zealand.

Driven by a desire to assist others, I embarked on creating Advance with Health over 25 years ago and The Moving Circle community initiative in 2019.

The Moving Circle provides a transformative journey, leading individuals to liberate their minds and delve into the depths of their bodies. Much like the ocean's waves, authentic connection demands full immersion and sensory engagement, particularly in today's technology-driven world. It is through this process that I have witnessed the incredible potency of movement as a catalyst for self-discovery, growth, and healing.

Now, I find myself returning full circle to Bondi, ready to share the insights and knowledge I have accumulated on my path. My heartfelt mission is to offer tools, resources, and support both in person and online to our community.

Together, we can unlock the true potential that lies within us all and create a thriving community rooted in resilience, wellness, and connection. Bondi beckons, inviting you to embark on this empowering journey with open arms.


Duo Sessions (couples)

Online Classes available

These evidence-based techniques can assist you and your partner, friend, family member in navigating trauma, anxiety, depression, and other relationship challenges.

Our tailored sessions to enhance communication, release tension, and deepen your empathy and understanding.

With Dianna's expert guidance, you'll also explore connecting through movement, breathwork, TRE (trauma release exercises) Book now to connect with your partner on a profound level.

TRE (Trauma Release Exercises)

Join us for our 3-week TRE Series - Trauma Release Exercises! Developed by renowned expert David Berceli, Ph.D., TRE is a powerful mind-body therapeutic method designed to release tension, stress, and trauma stored within the body. Whether you're struggling with anxiety, chronic stress, or seeking to overcome past trauma, our TRE Classes offer a safe and supportive environment to explore this revolutionary practice.

Discover the potential for deep healing as you learn simple yet effective exercises that activate the body's natural tremor mechanism, allowing the release of deeply held tension and trauma. Through gentle shaking and stretching, you'll tap into your body's innate wisdom, promoting relaxation, resilience, and increased emotional well-being.

Our 3-week TRE Classes provide comprehensive guidance and support as you embark on learning more about the wisdom of your body.. Each session offers a blend of theory, practical demonstrations, and hands-on practice to ensure a thorough understanding of the technique.

Join us and experience the power of TRE as it unravels the knots within, leaving you feeling lighter, more grounded, and connected to your true self. It's time to reclaim your inner strength, release the burdens, and step into a future filled with greater ease and joy.

1:1 for Teenagers

8 Ocean Street, Woollahra or the Cultural Hub Woollahra (Below the Woollahra Art Gallery)

These sessions are focused on building self-esteem, developing communication and social skills, and foster greater self-awareness and emotional regulation.

I understand that young people are faced with a range of emotional and behavioral challenges. My approach to Dance Movement Therapy has been shown to be effective in helping young people cope with anxiety, depression, trauma, and other struggles, providing a powerful tool for healing and growth.